I have always been one to rag on Valentines Day. I didn't really understand the point, aside from the fact that heart sugar cookies(with extra frosting) and Reeses hearts are probably my two favorite food groups. This was the first year that I finally understood why people love this day so much. I figured out my problem: I actually had a Valentine ha! Who would have though that small little detail would change my mind.

We did our usual routine
Chad: Sportsman's Warehouse run
Courtney: Target extravaganza
...and by extravaganza I mean we both stare at everything in our favorite stores, wish we could buy it, and walk out dreaming of a day where we have money to buy stuff.
We thought about going to a nice dinner, but settled for a nice 5 Guys burger instead (don't judge our diet this day)
So for a first Valentines day, I'd say we rocked it!
I'm so grateful for this guy who loves me despite my melt downs, lack of occasional dinner preparation, obsession over Trolli eggs and Grey's Anatomy, and desire to go to bed at 9:00pm sharp. He is my best friend and my forever Valentine and I would never have it any other way.