Sunday, July 17, 2016

Loving what matters

 I really have loved being pregnant; it has been one of my favorite experiences. It is so unreal to feel this little guy go from a flutter in my stomach, to an actual person and feeling his whole body move inside of me. I have never been more thankful, or in awe of the human body and the perfect way it was created. 
I also didn't realize how selfish I was before this little guy decided to grow. Time was mine, Chad was mine, and my body was mine. But those things aren't the same any more, and they will continue to change even more once he is actually here. I find myself appreciating my time more, appreciating Chad more, and appreciating the gift my body is.
However, I don't appreciate the way my body looks. I find myself spending more time being critical of my appearance and wanting to cover up all of the curves i'm not used to. Selfishly I just want my pre-pregnant body back. I want time to just fast forward and snap back to my pre-pregnant self. I know that's not realistic, but hey I can wish.
 I have to learn to love myself regardless of my appearance. Numbers on a scale don't matter, and my clothes don't matter. My character matters, the words I speak matter, my marriage matters, my friends matter, my family matters, and what Chad and I teach this little guy matters! 
I still have a way to go, but i'm trying. I'm trying to see what matters in myself and in other people. It doesn't come easy, it doesn't come over night, and it takes a conscious effort. 
With time I know it will get easier, and it can become a part of me, and more importantly a part of our family. 
And I hope as we do this we can be... 

Positively Contagious 

Monday, July 11, 2016

BUMPDATE: 30 weeks

How Far Along? 
30 weeks, only 10 left to go!
 Weight Gain?
11 lbs, moving on up! 
Maternity Clothes? 
If I wear a skirt and shirt then I wear a maternity top, but most of the time I just wear my stretchy dresses I have from before this bump. 
I have been sleeping like a rock these days. Probably because we have been going, going, going this last week so my body is catching up!
Best moment this week? 
Spending time with Chad, family, and friends in Canada and Yellowstone
Weird pregnancy moment?
Feeling like I have to pee 24-7. Home boy's head is right on my bladder so sometimes I feel like i'm going to pee my pants even though I don't actually have to pee. It's the weirdest feeling, ha!
Gender: BOY
Food Cravings?
I haven't really had any specific cravings lately. I just feel like I want fruit and salad all the time... and sandwiches. Healthy stuff just sounds better these days in comparison to the time before now where I just wanted everything bad for you. 
Morning Sickness?
It actually came back randomly this week in the afternoon it was the weirdest thing. It just comes and goes in waves...go figure. 
I have been feeling great this last month! I'm not uncomfortable yet which is nice. Home boy's feet are right under my ribs though so sometimes he gets a good kick!
Looking forward to?
This baby finally being here! I have had so many dreams lately that i'm in the hospital/in labor and as terrified as I am of that day i'm SO excited to meet this little guy!

Sunday, July 10, 2016


 It has been a week of go, go, go for us! Chad hasn't had a day off since we got back in April; it has been school and work non stop. So this week we were able to finally have some time together and it was a blast. 
Our first stop this week was Canada for the 4th of July and Canada day. It was so fun to spend time with family and show Chad around my family's stomping grounds. Waterton, Canada will always have a special place in my heart. 
When we got back we had a two day work week and went straight into another adventure with our favorite friends, the Asay's. We headed up to Island Park to stay at Lauren's family cabin and took a little trip to Yellowstone. This place is unreal; we even saw a black bear run across the street. Of course Chad and Preston got out of the car to see if they could get a better look, ending up back in the car with no luck and elevated heart rates. It is always a good time when we are with these three. 
 This week I have learned how important it is to appreciate time, and how the little moments make the best memories. I have totally taken time for granted and have realized how important it truly is. Baby Hilburn only has 10 weeks left before he makes his appearance and I really want to soak up all  the time we have left with just the two of us. 
I hope we can all slow down just a little bit and really appreciate the time we have to spend with those we love most.  
 By doing so we can all find a way to be...

Positively Contagious