Friday, February 14, 2014

It's about time

There is a very different concept of time here in Mbale, Africa. Typically you can expect to add one to two hours on any given time and even then there is no set time.
 It can become rather frustrating at times when we are trying to set up meetings and are teaching at multiple locations on a daily basis. But we are the visitors here, therefore we can not change culture.
 Usually I am the one who sticks to a plan and likes to have a set schedule, but I have learned that it's much easier to go with the flow.
Sometimes that means sleeping on top of a mountain and hiking down at the wee hours in the morning. Other times it means that we don't eat until late hours at night. And most of the time it means our schedule is usually not a schedule.
But it is all part of the adventure. I have learned so much from the people here in Africa and I am so happy and thankful to be here. 
And I hope during my time I can be

Positively Contagious 

Friday, February 7, 2014


Here I am in Africa, and I think it's safe to say I never want to come home.

I love the food, the boda rides (rather crazy motorcycle rides), the people, the weather, the dirt, the trickle of a shower, the animals, my team, jammed packed taxi rides (minus the barfing people next to me), late night talks,and the power outages.
You name it I think it has been experienced in the few short days I have been here, but I wouldn't change a second of my experience so far.
Don't get me wrong America is great but the culture, the people, the way of life...I can't get enough! I think my favorite part has been the change in pace.
 It seems as though American culture is becoming more concerned with instant gratification. In some ways it is helpful knowing that you can see the so called "fruits of your labors" a majority of the time. But in some ways I think we may feel entitled to having more, receiving more, and expecting more.
It's refreshing being here in Africa and living the  life of the people here. There is no hustle and bustle, comparison, or desire for more. It may not be very clean, it may not have the conveniences that i'm used to, I may stand out quite a bit...well a lot.
 But,  It's the way life should be. Simple. 
 So for now, I think I'll just stay here and enjoy it while I can
 and try to be...

Positively Contagious