Sunday, June 7, 2015

No Hitching for these Hikers

It was another great weekend here in Rexburg. The sun has found some consistency and we are ready to take full advantage (It's time for these pasty kids to get some color). Thankfully we have our trusty cousin friends to accompany us on our outdoor adventures. 
About half way up our legs started to burn, which means we are extremely out of shape, but the top was breath taking. These boys were so excited they broke in spontaneous PYT dancing (you should have seen it live).

The way down was much easier then the trek up.  There were also some lovely people we had to maneuver around who were tied together on a rope...for support we were hoping. Some brotherly love was shown when we made it to the water.
We love our little adventures, and we are so glad we have friends to join us! It gets us through the week knowing that we have something to look forward to on the weekend. I wish time would stop on these few days, but sadly that's impossible.
 Luckily we have next weekend & until then I hope we can find a few more ways to be...

Positively Contagious 

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